Aura Reader
Aura is a field of luminous radiations surrounding everyone. It is associated with the luster of the astral body in human being. In luminous circle there are seven colors of different layers.
Each color of the aura has a meaning of emotional and physical state. It is a map of the thought and feelings surrounding a person and the present karmas of human beings.
Karmas are store in brain as the emotional impression. As well as the karmas changes into good to bad or bad to good the layers changes its depth. But it can be seen by the third eye of Indian spirituality. Aura reading is an art of investigation the human energy field. Spiritual layers, celestial layers, casual layers etc. Mr. MAM from a very young age he has been interested in occult sciences and meditation.
He gives his services thousands of peoples over 25 years. His readings may includes near and far future information’s and its remedies.
Aura consultancy: through appoinments only on tuesday :- 5,000 INR
(Appointment on mail only )